Well, for skilled Indians, Canada provides great opportunities and the PR processing is a bit simpler. Getting a Canadian PR is one of the best things you can do in your life. Even then, going through the PR process might seem complicated as it is complicated. Well, there are certain ways and steps you need to follow to successfully get your PR visa. So, here in this article, we will elaborate on the most crucial PR visa steps, you need to take care of to get your PR visa with ease. This article is just a simple guide, but, if you want assured success, you can contact JVS Immigration and get your PR visa process done with no hassle.

Well, people aspiring to get a Canadian PR will have certain goals and the PR paves a way to achieve it. Well, if you have a plan which requires you to get a Canadian PR, you have to get it and move ahead in your life. With a PR in your hand, you get more freedom in Canada and that will provide you with the necessary support to achieve your goal.
So, why do people say getting a Canadian PR visa is a bit complex? Well, the process seems to be complex and tedious as you have to go through a lot of steps, and the processing time is long. The complexity is mainly because the Canadian immigrations department follows certain norms and protocols and the standards are pretty high. And the authority has to make sure that they filter out the best with proper skills and abilities to be a permanent resident and not every other person. Not just the Canadian PR process is difficult, every country offering a PR visa will have the process and make it complex to filter the best and reject the rest. But, you don’t have to worry about your PR visa, if you qualify for the different criteria set by the Canadian government, and have a score of higher than 67. Even if you have a higher score, you could choose to hire a professional PR visa consultant like JVS to get your visa successfully. Hiring a consultant is recommended as they will support your PR process and make sure that you don’t struggle or get stuck at a place.
So, we have done enough intro so, let us dive directly into learning the important steps in getting a PR visa to Canada. Well, that we know the process is complex and hiring a consultant is good, we may encounter a question. Why learn the steps when there is an expert who is taking care of the possess? Well, learning the steps will add up with speeding the process, the expert will inform you with the necessary steps and tips but you have to be well informed with the process so, the process doesn’t seem vague. It is not necessary to learn the process by-hart or ins and out of the process but, just the outline is enough, to begin with.
Important Steps for Successfully Getting a Canadian PR Visa
Well, there are three main steps, in the Canadian PR visa process. These three steps will have many sub-steps, but learning about the three steps before consulting a consultant will make the job easier. So, here we have made the steps simple to understand, so, you get the idea.
Step 1:- The first step in applying for a PR visa is to check for your points in accordance with your education qualification, WES assessment, and other criteria set by the Canadian Immigration Department. You need to gather all the necessary documents and evidence to prove your claims of skill and other details.
Well, the criteria considered for the scoring are age, education, work experience, language skills, adaptability, and employment in Canada. So, once you have a good score of 67 or above it, you are good with proceeding to the next step. So, once you have a good score you can jump in and start the second step.

Step 2:- You have to apply for the visa through the electronic portal with the support of your consultant. The portal is called Express Entry. You have to apply using all your credentials and you will be selected based on your ranking. So, this is step 2, now, you can proceed to step 3.
Step 3:- Here you will receive an invitation to apply from the authority based on the application you have submitted as step 2. So, once you have received an invitation to apply from the Canadian Immigrations authorities, you can make an actual PR visa application, along with all necessary documents and an application fee. Well, done, the application process is all over, now, you just have to sit back and wait for the authorities to revert back with your PR visa and approval.
Well, people. These are the three main and important steps involved in the PR visa application process. To make the process much simpler and reduce the stress from the process, you can hire an expert consultant like JVS immigration, Delhi. The expert will help and guide you through the process and improve the chance of your PR visa success. So, with the basic idea of what the PR process is, jump straight into contacting JVS Immigration and get started with the process.
Phone:- 011-43510609
Email:- Info@jvsimmigration.com
Happy Hunting!