When you are planning to settle abroad for any reason, the most time taking task is an application for a visa. If you are applying for a US visa application, the maximum time for generation of visa is approximately 2 months.

Before you apply for a US visa, you need to keep certain things in mind like:-
- You must have documentary evidence to prove the urgency that why it is really urgent for you to move to the US.
- If in case, you misrepresented the urgency document, this case will be noted down in your file and it can lead to problems in the visa-making process.
The purpose of your travel and the documents needed are described below:-
- Medical Needs
- A letter from your doctor in India describing the medical condition and why you need medical care in the United States.
- A letter from the physician or doctor in the United States indicating that they are ready to treat your case and an approximate cost of the treatment.
- Evidence of how you will pay for the treatment.
- Funeral/Death
- A letter from the director of the funeral stating the contact information, the details of the deceased, and the details of the funeral.
- Evidence from your side that the deceased person is your immediate relative.
- Urgent Business Travel
- A letter of invitation from the corresponding company in the United States attesting to the urgency of the planned visit.
The documentation process and the interview part takes a lot of time. Either you have to apply for the visa application at least 4 months before the date of the flight or if you get an urgent notice to move to the US then you have to face the consequences.
But to your surprise, these all were the old school methods. Now, the US application process has become very quick.
The US embassy has unveiled a new visa application process that involves the Internet and mobile phones for fee payments and scheduling appointments for interviews—a move that industry analysts have largely welcomed.
The new system is part of a global effort launched by the US State Department, Julia Stanley, minister-counsellor for consular affairs. This involves contracting out the collection of biometric data, through visa interviews that will happen at the US embassy or consulates.
Earlier the biometric collection and interviews took place at the embassy or consulates. The new initiative is aimed at reducing the number of people visiting the US embassy or consulate for visa applications. A new website will help applicants in filling the forms or even applying online, paying visa application fees, scheduling an appointment for the collection of biometric data, and fixing an interview at the US embassy or consulate. Applicants can also contact me via telephone, email, or online chat. The call center agents can answer questions in English, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Tamil, and Telugu.
At present, an applicant has to pay the visa fee at a bank after which he or she can apply for the visa online. Applicants wait for about 10 days to get an appointment for an interview and it takes somewhere around seven days for the person to get the visa after a successful interview. The new processing system reduces the time in which applicants get their visas. Under the new process, first-time applicants will need to schedule two appointments —one for biometric data collection and another for the consular interview. Those renewing their visas would not need to submit biometric data again though they would have to appear for the interview again.

Once processed, passports will be delivered to 33 document pick-up locations across the country. However, visa application fees will remain the same worldwide, interviews will still be conducted at the embassy or consulates and applicants still have to meet the requirements for the visa class.
It is a confidence-building measure. Earlier, people used to hesitate to go for the interview. With this, people are encouraged morally to apply for a visa. The move is aimed at increasing tourism between India and the US as it will benefit both countries and help in generating employment.
As a bonus, here are seven simple tips which can help you fasten your visa application process
We have described some simple tips, you can take the fastest and easily US visa from India:
Prepare All Your Documents In Advance
The visa application is all about documentation. You need all the records, accounts, and paper works that back up everything you claim about yourself during the application.
Have Your Non-English Papers Converted By a NAATI-accredited Translator:
The people at the Immigration department are mostly English speakers. Therefore any documents printed in any other languages should be translated by someone accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters.
Label Properly
The people who collect and process your documents and the Department of Immigration itself go through hundreds of paper works each day. They mostly include three passports, ten kinds of certificates, and twenty records belonging to five people each, all in just one application. It is not very hard to get lost in all of these.
Scan Your Documents in Full Colour
When you submit copies of documents such as passports, driver’s licenses, and birth, death, and marriage certificates, do so in full colour.
Have Them At 5MB Max
The Australian Government Department of Immigration and Border Protection receives hundreds of thousands of documents each day. They limit the documents to a total of five megabytes in size only, anything more than that and they will reject it.
If You Do Not Have the Original Copy, Certify Your Documents with a JP or Notary Public
Sometimes we do not have the original versions of important documents and that is fine, as long as you have your non-original copies certified by the Justice of the Peace or a Notary Public.
Make Sure Your Passport is not Expiring In the Next Six Months
Your visa grant should be in sync with the details in your passport, from the passport number to the expiration date.
JVS Immigration: Getting you a US Visa with ease
We are really excited that we get to be part of your journey to getting a US visa. The team here at JVS Immigration is dedicated to giving the best that they can to all the clients that approach us for our assistance. We will make the visa application process as smooth as we can for you. We will help you out with all the documentation so you won’t have to worry about a thing. We can give you whatever information you may require related to the US and getting the PR visa there. Please feel free to approach us so that we can work together to make your dreams of going to the US come true.
Phone:- 011-43510609
Email:- Info@jvsimmigration.com
Happy Hunting!